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The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Trio" by Gyleen Fitzgerald

Do a puzzle of Gyleen Fitzgerald's quilt, Trio.


In Trio, Gyleen has done everything in threes. It has three sections of color and three types of blocks throughout - pinwheels, cobblestones, and bricks. With her recent foray into contemporary, Modern, and scrappy quilts, Gyleen describes this one as a more contemporary quilt of the three styles.


Click Here to see the Full Quilt.


See more of Gyleen's quilts in How Make a Modern Scrappy Quilt with Gyleen Fitzgerald.


TriobyGyleenFitzgerald - 36 Pieces Non-Rotating

TriobyGyleenFitzgerald - 100 Pieces Non-Rotating

TriobyGyleenFitzgerald - 289 Pieces Non-Rotating

TriobyGyleenFitzgerald - 36 Pieces Rotating

TriobyGyleenFitzgerald - 100 Pieces Rotating

TriobyGyleenFitzgerald - 289 Pieces Rotating




Original Photo: Mary Kay Davis


Janice Falls
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I have enjoyed working the quilt jigsaw puzzles for many years. I'm very disappointed that the collection of old puzzles didn't come with the change. I had finished almost 200, and my goal was to finish them all. Then, you didn't bring them...

I have enjoyed working the quilt jigsaw puzzles for many years. I'm very disappointed that the collection of old puzzles didn't come with the change. I had finished almost 200, and my goal was to finish them all. Then, you didn't bring them with you to the new format...
The new show is beautiful, but I still miss those puzzles.
Hugs, Janice Falls

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