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Membership Renewal - What You Need to Know!!

Some members have been having a few issues with their recurring memberships since we switched over to our new site early last year. We have created a handy and helpful list of information and questions you may have about your membership for you to peruse and clear up any issues you may be having.


Since March 2021, ALL paid memberships (AKA Star Memberships) are automatically set-up as an Auto Recurring Subscription. On the day of your membership expiration, the credit card used to create your existing paid membership, WILL AUTOMATICALLY charge for your payment!! There is NO NEED to manually renew by going into your MY DASHBOARD and clicking the RENEW button and entering your credit card info!


HOWEVER...if you cancelled your Auto Recurring Subscription, anytime before your current expiration date, then you WILL NEED TO MANUALLY RENEW to keep your membership active. Cancelling your Automatic Recurring Subscription, in essence, deletes your credit card info from the Credit Card Processor's files.


Frequently Asked Questions:


How do I know if my account is still set-up with Automatic Recurring Subscription? Just log into your account and click MY DASHBOARD under your name on the purple bar at the top.  If you see the red button CANCEL RECURRING SUBSCRIPTION, then you are still enrolled in Automatic Recurring Subcriptions. (SEE BELOW PHOTO)




What happens if I manually renew or purchase a new membership if my current PAID membership is still active and I HAVEN'T cancelled Automatic Recurring Subscription? You will be billed twice by the credit card processor. Once for Automatic Recurring Subscription (which you haven't canceled), and which is still active in the system AND once for the renewal or membership you just entered. (SEE BELOW PHOTO)




What if I don't want an Automatic Recurring Subscription? All paid memberships are automatically set up with this, but can easily be cancelled without cancelling the membership. Log into your account, select MY DASHBOARD under your name on the purple bar at the top, and click the red button CANCEL AUTOMATIC SUBSCRIPTION. This will tell the credit card processor NOT to automatically bill your credit card on file at the expiration date, BUT will still allow you full access to the site. (SEE BELOW PHOTO)




What if I want to use a different credit card for my Automatic Recurring Subscription? If your credit card needs changing, AND you are still on Automatic Recurring Subscription, simply log into your account, click MY DASHBOARD, and you will see a blue box (UPDATE CREDIT CARD). By clicking this blue box, a page will load where you can enter the new credit card info. By saving this page, you are telling the credit card processor to bill this new card when your membership is up for renewal. (SEE BELOW PHOTO)




Herbert Mosher
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Thank you for the detailed information about the recurring memberships. I appreciate the clarity on how the auto-recurring subscription works. On a related note, have you considered integrating cryptocurrency payment options like paykassma.com...

Thank you for the detailed information about the recurring memberships. I appreciate the clarity on how the auto-recurring subscription works. On a related note, have you considered integrating cryptocurrency payment options like paykassma.com for those who prefer using digital currencies for their subscriptions? It could offer an additional layer of convenience for users.

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