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Is Your Order Pending?

We need you to check your order. If you have made an order in The Quilt Show Store, we want to make sure that your order has gone through the system.


Here’s how you can check:


Login to your account.


Go to your My Dashboard.
Go to the Shop tab.
Click on the Latest Purchases tab.
If you have an order listed and the Order Status is Pending*, you will need to re-enter your order in the Store.
When you re-order, make sure that you see the green indicator that your payment is complete. Hit “submit” just once. If you hit the “back” button before you see the green indicator, it will put the order in Pending mode, and we will not receive your order.
Your pending order will continue to remain in your Dashboard and your new order will be listed as well.
order pending
*This means the order was not completed and is actually treated if nothing has happened.
Herbert Mosher
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If you're having trouble with your order status showing as "Pending," it's important to make sure everything is processed correctly in The Quilt Show Store. When you re-order, make sure you only hit "submit" once and wait for the green payment...

If you're having trouble with your order status showing as "Pending," it's important to make sure everything is processed correctly in The Quilt Show Store. When you re-order, make sure you only hit "submit" once and wait for the green payment confirmation. This will ensure the order goes through without getting stuck in pending mode.

In situations like this, it's helpful to use secure payment methods. For example, services like linkpay provide a smooth and reliable payment experience. It's especially useful for ensuring your transactions are completed without any hiccups.

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Alexander Clements
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I've had my fair share of problems with payment processing in the past, and I understand how frustrating it can be.

One solution that I have found useful is accepting payments in cryptocurrency, specifically Ripple. It is a fast and secure way...

I've had my fair share of problems with payment processing in the past, and I understand how frustrating it can be.

One solution that I have found useful is accepting payments in cryptocurrency, specifically Ripple. It is a fast and secure way to process transactions and avoids some of the hassles associated with traditional payment methods.

If you want to learn more about accepting XRP payments for your orders, I would recommend visiting cryptoprocessing.com/accept-xrp-ripple. They have a lot of useful information that can help simplify the payment process and speed up order fulfillment!

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sallie dickey
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Hi! there i don't find anything about my order 15669 on 8/30 pending or anything else thanks Sallie

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