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How to Use Crochet in Quilting and Frustration-Free Piecing with Kellie Beckwith | Appraising Quilts with Nancy Bavor

(Show 3502) Pattern designer and educator Kellie Beckwith loves to redefine traditional quilt blocks in new ways. See how she pays tribute to the crochet work of her grandmother by fusing it with quilting. Then learn her techniques for frustration-free piecing that results in perfect flying geese, half-square triangles, and a stem in a maple leaf quilt block. Plus, Nancy Bavor, appraiser and Director Emerita of the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles, reveals the secrets of what an appraiser looks for when assessing the value of a quilt.

Traditional Quilts, Antique Quilts, Art Quilts, Crochet, Crochet in Quilts, Piecing, Piecing Tips, Appraising Quilts, Quilt Appraisal, Appraisal

Product List:
Deb Tucker Studio 180 Wing Clipper
Deb Tucker Studio 180 Tucker Trimmer
Quilters Dream Batting
Aunt Lydia’s Crochet Thread - Fashion Size 3
Size D (3.25 mm) Crochet Hook
Leather Needles
Art Quilts Unfolding by Nancy Bavor, Martha Sielman, Sandra Sider, and Lisa Ellis

Vivienne Crudeli
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I love Kellies' concept of cro het, but feel her demonstration was too fast in the cro het steps. Not sure where to find her information that she refers to. Bit rushed

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