

Color Theory

Color Theory is a term used to describe the collections of rules and guidelines for the use of color in design. Modern color theory is based on the use of the Color Wheel. The Color Wheel is organized and grouped into three categories, primary colors, secondary colors and tertiary colors.

Basic color schemes include Monochromatic - colors from one color family, Complementary - colors that are opposite from each other on the color wheel, Triadic - three colors that are equidistant from each other on the color wheel and Analogous - colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. Color Theory is so much more than these generalities. Color influences our lives, our feelings, and the quilts we make.  A good understanding of how color "works" and the choices you have with color can improve our quilts.

Benefits of Color Theory

Understanding Color Theory will help with fabric selections for your quilt.

Using color schemes will add interest and possibly secondary patterns in quilts.

A better understanding of color will identify options for your quilts you might not have thought of.  If you want to "spice up" a quilt, see what happens when a complementary color is added!  

Tools and Supplies for Color Theory

To learn or implement Color Theory, you'll need the following:

  • Color Wheel with tints, tones, and shades.
  • Color Tool for developing color plans (before you go fabric shopping).
  • Red and Green Value Finder.
What I Wish I Knew When I Started Color Theory

Don't let the COLOR THEORY and its potential complexities bog you down.  Although it might seem daunting to start with, Color Theory is critical in helping to make a quilt cohesive and "sing"!

Color Theory Resources

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