

Quilted Garments

Upcycled garments, Quilted Garments, patchwork garments, wearable arts, no matter what you call them quilters and sewists are still making clothing that have quilted or patchwork elements. With the popularity of rayon, linen and knit materials made to accompany our favorite fabric lines, quilters are making more and more quilted and embellished garments. The applique sweatshirt may be long gone but the patchwork or jelly roll skirt is here to stay. Quilters are embracing all aspects of home sewing. Even Fashion designers have embraced the Patchwork Movement and added pieced garments of all types, sweaters, jackets, skirts and pants including stitching quilt blocks onto pants in a faux visible mending way. Latest trends show patchwork kimonos made with beautiful silks, shirts and pants embellished with embroidery and Japanese Boro techniques for mending jeans. Quilters often start by creating the fabric needed for each pattern piece. This approach allows the quilter to specifically place colors or blocks where desired on the garment. Depending on what type of garment is being made it can be quilted or lined.

Benefits of Quilted Garments

  • Garments with patchwork, quilted elements or embellishments are a way to wear what what you love.
  • Visible mending with leftover blocks is a whimsical way to fix your clothes.
  • Quilted Garments are warm!

Tools and Supplies Quilted Garments

  • Basic Sewing Supplies
  • Sewing machine
  • Rotary cutter, ruler, self healing mat
  • Fabric for your Quilted Garments.
  • Supplies and pattern based on your project
What I Wish I Knew When I Started making Quilted Garments

Patchwork QUILTED GARMENTS back in style.  Now why did I give away those pieced vests?

Quilted Garments Resources