

Patchwork Barn by Edyta Sitar Patchwork Barn by Edyta Sitar

Monochromatic Quilts - One Color Quilts

A Monochromatic Quilt or One Color Quilt is made predominantly from one color family.


Benefits of Monochromatic Quilts

  • Monochromatic Quilts have a wonderful effect on the viewer. Blue Quilts and Red Quilts are very traditional colors for monochromatic quilts. Staying in one color can create stunning results based on value & print.
  • Tools and Supplies for Monochromatic Quilts

    When making Monochromatic Quilts, you may need the following tools and supplies.

    • Fabrics in one color family
    • The quilts are most often pieced quilts so:
    • Rulers
    • Rotary cutter and mat
    • Threads in the color family
    • synthrapol in case of color bleeding
    • Shout color catchers
    What I Wish I Knew When I Started making Monochromatic Quilts

    It is very important to have good white fabrics to bring out the sparkle or feel in One Color Quilts. It's a good idea, especially if you are using red, to prewash to prevent color bleeding.



Monochromatic Resources