
The Quilt Show Newsletter August 20, 2021

Caryl Bryer Fallert's Quilt from a Paris Picture, When a Quilter Gets Married, What Did You Find When You Cleaned Your House?, Alex and Dee Are LIVE, Wide Back Quilt Fabrics By the Yard, A "Super" Puzzle and A Bonus Puzzle


Weekend Fun - August 20, 2021


Featured Quilt - Eat Your Vegetables

Cabbages by Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry (Show 1308) was featured in the Wall Category at PIQF 2019 and was inspired not just by the food, but by a trip she took as well. "In 2009, I visited Paris and came across a wonderful farmers market in which all the produce was beautifully arranged. A photo of Savoy cabbages on a stack of shipping crates was one of my favorites of the trip. Ten years later, I created this design inspired by my original photo. The curtain and the packing crates were interpreted in fanciful colors. The binding echoes the texture of the cabbages." With beautiful machine piecing and machine appliqué, it looks good enough to just pick up and take a bite out of it.

When a Quilter Gets Married


Quilters and Quilts Galore at Pokey Bolton's Lovely Wedding

During Alex's LIVE on Wednesday she talked about going to Pokey Bolton's (Show 2711) wedding. Pokey's wedding was a joyous event, and she has graciously allowed us to share some pictures of the wedding with you. We were honored to be there and wish Pokey and Patrick all the best!

What Did You Find When You Cleaned Your House?


Well, in Yorkshire a 130-year-old embroidered quilt was found by chance during their "spring clean" at their local church. Read on to find out more about this great discovery.

(Photo Credit: https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/)

The Quilt Show LIVE: Alex and Dee


Alex LIVE: Organize Your Rulers

Lilo Bowman joins Alex who has just remodeled her studio (2021). They discuss more ways to store and care for quilting rulers and how they can fit into a quilting studio. Great tips on creating a usable, fun, and organized quilting room or studio.

Alex will be LIVE TODAY, August 20, 2021 @ 10am PST, 1pm EST, and 6pm London time. All classes are recorded so they can be viewed later.

Dee LIVE: My Flower Garden - Lesson 09

The Quarter Square Triangle is a basic building block of quilting. Dee has taught this block for years and will show you how to make it correctly. Even if you aren't making the quilt, you'll want to add this block to your quilter's toolbox.

Dee will be LIVE TOMORROW, August 21, 2021 @ 10am PST, 1pm EST, and 6pm London time. All classes are recorded so they can be viewed later.

New In The Store - Wide Back Quilt Fabrics By the Yard



Grunge Hits The Spot Pool

Packed Cats

Bigger Quilts Means Bigger Fabric

Save yourself the trouble of piecing quilt backs with these 108 Inch Wide Back Quilt Fabrics. With many different options to choose from, including the Friendship, Grunge Hits The Spot Pool, and Packed Cats variations, these extra-wide fabrics are available in 1-yard increments for you to back both your large and VERY large quilts.

The Quilt Show Puzzle: Quilting Is Her Super Power


"Searching For My Super Power" by Sue Benner

Searching For My Super Power is a quilt that Sue finished last year. The whole base layer of the quilt is made of clothing parts, as many of her works are. For this one, Sue realized that if she covered up most of the area with everything but her shape, she was actually wearing a superhero costume. So, the body shape on the quilt belongs to Sue who is wearing her favorite clothes.

See more of Sue's quilts in Learn Techniques for Spontaneous Design with Found Fabrics and Silky Surfaces with Sue Benner.

The Quilt Show Bonus Puzzle: The Sewing Bird Strikes Again!


"Long-Billed Tailorbird" by Sue Graham

We heard that some of you missed out on getting to do our recent puzzle featuring the sewing bird. Here it is in case you missed it the first time, or you just want to do the puzzle again! Remember the sewing bird that we featured a video on recently? Well, an ingenious quilter took the concept of the sewing bird and a made a quilt all about it! Long-Billed Tailorbird by Sue Graham is a wonderful representation of one of nature's quilters becoming a quilt itself. You know, that's how the circle of life goes, right?



The Quilt Show 2468 Armstrong Dr Livermore, California 94551 United States (925) 203-5612

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