The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Melon Sky" by Ann Feitelson
Do a puzzle of Ann Feitelson's quilt, Melon Sky.
Ann says of Melon Sky, "This quilt merges two of my favorite themes: food and the cosmos. The orbs are both watermelons and planets. The pinks with black dots represent watermelon interiors; the green radiating circles represent watermelon exteriors. The orange circles are cantaloupes--they are all whirling in a green sky."
Click Here to see the Full Quilt.
See more of Ann's quilts in Half Circles, Stripes, and Gradation Color Sequences with Ann Feitelson | Quilt Backs with Alex Anderson.
MelonSkybyAnnFeitelson - 35 Pieces Non-Rotating
MelonSkybyAnnFeitelson - 99 Pieces Non-Rotating
MelonSkybyAnnFeitelson - 300 Pieces Non-Rotating
MelonSkybyAnnFeitelson - 35 Pieces Rotating
MelonSkybyAnnFeitelson - 99 Pieces Rotating
MelonSkybyAnnFeitelson - 300 Pieces Rotating
Original Photo: Lucas Davis