
Patricia Belyea Turns Indigo Plants Into Blue Gold

Patricia Belyea of Okan Arts did something that all quilters would love to do, she created her very own dye! As Patricia explains it so succinctly, "Here’s the gist of my story: I grew a crop of indigo plants and extracted indigo pigment from their bright green leaves." Find out how she did it and see the fruits of her labor.

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Trailer 2807: How to Use Natural Dyes and Hand Piecing with Youngmin Lee | Silk Tie Quilts with Alex Anderson

Debuting March 28, 2021: Korean textile artist Youngmin Lee joins Alex to talk about her latest work, give a demonstration on Ssamsol – a hand piecing technique, and there's a demontration of natural dyeing. Plus, Alex begins the show by demonstrating how to use silk ties to make a quilt.

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