
Sue Benner's Almost Finished Abstract Quilts

We all love Sue Benner, but secretly, we may love her work even more. And she has provided us with some photos of three almost finished quilts that she wanted to share. These quilts were started on the set of Sue's show and were featured in the abstract design portion. Look and see how far along the've come since their inception.


Here's what Sue had to say about the quilts (with a special shout-out for Ricky):


"Here are 3 almost finished quilts from the abstract design portion of the show. They are not bound yet, just cropped in the photos, lol. Ricky, you worked on one of these!"


See The Quilts below, along with some photos from the set where their creation began.


Learn from Sue, and see her start these quilts, in Learn Techniques for Spontaneous Design with Found Fabrics and Silky Surfaces with Sue Benner.


(Almost Finished Quilt Photos by Sue Benner, Photos from The Quilt Show set by Mary Kay Davis)


Sue's Almost Finished Abstract Quilt #1 (Photo by Sue Benner)


sue benner in progress abstract quilt 1


Beginning of Sue's Abstract Quilt #2 on the set of The Quilt Show (Photo by Mary Kay Davis)


Show 2904 Sue Benner Grid Of Scraps


Sue's Almost Finished Abstract Quilt #2 (Photo by Sue Benner)


sue benner in progress abstract quilt 2


Beginning of Sue's Abstract Quilt #3 on the set of The Quilt Show (Photo by Mary Kay Davis)


Show 2904 sue benner scraps in progress


Sue's Almost Finished Abstract Quilt #3 (Photo by Sue Benner)


sue benner in progress abstract quilt 3

Marie Misgen
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EveryThing she does is awesome!!

Carolyn Sweeting
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