The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Looks Like Rain" by Leni Levenson Wiener
Do a puzzle of Leni Levenson Wiener's quilt, Looks Like Rain.
Looks Like Rain is part of Leni's "Park Bench Stories" exhibit. Leni used a photo she took in Hong Kong as her inspiration for this quilt. In order to get that photo however, she had her husband pose in the background so that it looked like she was taking a photo of him instead of her true subject, the lady with the umbrella. When displayed, the piece hangs out an inch from the wall, instead of flat against it, so that it casts its own shadow.
See more of Leni's quilts in How to Do Portrait Quilts with Leni Levenson Wiener | Ergonomic Exercises with Jake Simmons.
LooksLikeRainbyLeniLevensonWiener - 35 Pieces Non-Rotating
LooksLikeRainbyLeniLevensonWiener - 96 Pieces Non-Rotating
LooksLikeRainbyLeniLevensonWiener - 300 Pieces Non-Rotating
LooksLikeRainbyLeniLevensonWiener - 35 Pieces Rotating
LooksLikeRainbyLeniLevensonWiener - 96 Pieces Rotating
LooksLikeRainbyLeniLevensonWiener - 300 Pieces Rotating
Original Photo: Mary Kay Davis