Looks Like Rain
Quilt Summary:
"Looks Like Rain" is part of Leni Levenson Wiener's "Park Bench Stories" exhibit.
- Quilting
- - Domestic Machine
Leni used a photo she took in Hong Kong as her inspiration for Looks Like Rain. In order to get that photo however, she had her husband pose in the background so that it looked like she was taking a photo of him instead of her true subject, the lady with the umbrella. When displayed, the piece hangs out an inch from the wall, instead of flat against it, so that it casts its own shadow.
About the Park Bench Stories exhibit: "I am a park bench. I am no different whether I reside in New York, Santa Fe, Venice, Prague, Vienna or in any small town anywhere in the world. I remain in place all seasons of the year, in all weather, year after year, gazing at the same scenery. People come to visit me–some are regular visitors, some pass my way but once. Children take a break from play; young lovers catch a moment alone; some are waiting, others make a phone call, have their lunch, rest after a long day, read or simply enjoy a beautiful day. Some are hopeful, some are weary. Some are peaceful, some are troubled. Some come alone, others in pairs or groups. Some stay a while, others take a quick break and move on. I see them all but they never notice me."