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Meet The Quilt Show Editor Rick Mahal

Meet The Quilt Show's talented editor, Rick Mahal, and see all that he does for us.


Based in Chicago, Rick brings his editing talents to all of our shows. Here he is in his editing environment at our Dallas taping site. He describes what he does to edit the shows and what he does when things go wrong.



Barbara Dumler
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This was very interesting. He does a great job and it was great to see this part of what puts a show together!

Ruthann Peters
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This was fascinating. Thanks to both Rick & John.

Carolyn Teter
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Kudos to you, Rick. I have such an appreciation now for what it takes on your end to put a show together for our viewing pleasure. Thank you!

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Really interesting and informative interview! Rick, you are really the star behind the “stars”!

Josephine Gonzales
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Very interesting. Thanks so much. And Rick is just as skilled in front of the camera as he is behind the scenes!

Diane Taylor
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Fascinating! I love to learn about what goes on "behind the scenes". Great job, Rick and John. Hope we can learn more about the show's production in the future!

kathleen gillian
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Wonderful. Thank you. I bet you could put a quilt together after all these years ?

Kathy Beehler
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Very interesting! We appreciate very much, your sharing of what Rick Mahal does. He puts the icing on the cake
Thanks Rick. Your contribution is invaluable.

Maureen ONeill
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Thank you so much for doing this. I found it fascinating and have a much better appreciation of what goes into producing a show. Great interviewer and interviewee!

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