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Modern Meets Modern Challenge

"To coincide with the opening of its new exhibition, Modern Meets Modern, the International Quilt Museum has announced a quilt challenge, open to all. Participants are asked to create a 16-inch by 16-inch quilt that responds to some of the antique quilts on display in the exhibition." Find out how a quilt you made can be a part of the International Quilt Museum!


From The International Quilt Museum:


"In the Modern Meets Modern exhibition, selected Modern Quilt Movement quilts from the museum's collection, representing the past 15+ years, have been juxtaposed with groups of quilts made over 150 years ago. These antique quilts display cutting edge qualities for their time and can still look modern in the present day. The Modern Meets Modern exhibition explores common themes as well as differences between the two modern eras, focusing on design elements as well as such factors as tools, materials, techniques, and modes of communication.


For this mini-quilt challenge, the museum has chosen four quilts to serve as catalysts for new work. In their mini-quilt, entrants should respond to one or more of these antique quilts in an interpretive way. The challenge is open to all techniques and quilt styles. Individuals are allowed to submit up to two entries each. There is a $10 entry fee per quilt.


The deadline for submitting high resolution photographs of the 16-inch by 16-inch finished quilt(s) is January 1, 2022 at 12 p.m. (noon) Central Time."


Click Here, or the image below, to learn more details, including how your quilt could be selected for the museum.


modern meets modern challenge banner


Gaven Rank
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In addition, I want to mention that creating a presentation is something I strongly advise if you are a company looking to find investors to fund your idea. For my startup, I used the https://slidepeak.com/pitch-deck-design . This is especially...

In addition, I want to mention that creating a presentation is something I strongly advise if you are a company looking to find investors to fund your idea. For my startup, I used the https://slidepeak.com/pitch-deck-design . This is especially true if the appropriate design is chosen, as it is crucial that everything is visually appealing.

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billy roberts
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Appium is a great open source testing framework. It's available in two versions, the server and the client. The server can be used to run scripts on the device itself, while the client can be used to execute them from a desktop or another device.

Appium is a great open source testing framework. It's available in two versions, the server and the client. The server can be used to run scripts on the device itself, while the client can be used to execute them from a desktop or another device.

If you have a new project, you might want to look into using Appium. Unlike many other testing tools, it doesn't require costly licensing fees. It has a robust support system, including documentation and training materials.

Appium supports a variety of mobile automated testing, including Python, C#, and Java. It also supports the Selenium WebDriver API, which enables it to communicate with all types of devices.

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