
WeAllSew Tutorial: How to Free-Motion Quilt an Anchor Motif​

It’s all hands on-deck as Lori Kennedy at WeAllSew gives you step-by-step instructions for stitching a row of anchors to fill a border.


From Lori Kennedy at WeAllSew:


"Anchors Aweigh, Quilters! It’s all hands on-deck as we learn to quilt the Anchor motif. I’m Lori Kennedy, author of 25 Days to Better Machine Quilting and the blog, Lori Kennedy Quilts. Today, I’m your Commodore of Quilting with step-by-step instructions for stitching a row of anchors to fill a border. Learn the basic Anchor pattern, then doodle your own variations by changing the spiral or triangles to more decorative elements.


I love to set sail quilting on my two BERNINA sewing machines: The BERNINA 770 QE and the BERNINA Q 20 Sitdown longarm. Whether you stitch on a long arm or a domestic sewing machine, the Anchor pattern is a great edge to edge design."


Click Here to go to the tutorial and learn more.


Watch the video below to see how Lori Free-motion Quilts an Anchor Motif​.



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