
Amy Pabst Exhibit: Hundreds of Thousands of Pieces - Very Tiny Quilts

These quilts are small, but mighty, and made up of hundreds of thousands of pieces (if you add them all up). Amy Pabst had an exhibit of her micro pieced quilts at Road to California 2023. Here are a few highlights from that exhibit.


AND, if you want to learn more about Amy, we also have a video where Amy walks us through her 2019 exhibit, Log Cabin: 100K, at the International Quilt Festival in Houston. This series of quilts focused on a miniature scale and explored the unlimited layout and design options of the log cabin block. There are a total of 102,779 individual pieces in this exhibit.


Watch the videos below to see all that these miniature quilts can do. The top video is from Road to California 2023 and the one below it is from Houston 2019.




Judy Forkner
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I'm trying to contact Amy Pabst to do a lecture/workshop for CQC, but I can't figure out how to contact her. Any suggestions?

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Absolutely wonderful piecing work. Keep it up Amy!

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