
Amy Pabst Exhibit: Hundreds of Thousands of Pieces - Very Tiny Quilts

These quilts are small, but mighty, and made up of hundreds of thousands of pieces (if you add them all up). Amy Pabst had an exhibit of her micro pieced quilts at Road to California 2023. Here are a few highlights from that exhibit.

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The Making of the DeMuse New Year Doll

Last week we showed you two amazing Christmas dolls created by Nigel Chia. Here he is handcrafting a DeMuse New Year's Doll...with very little, tiny beads, and itty bitty lace ribbon.

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The Making of DeMuse Doll Christmas

If you think making haute couture dresses take a long time for humans, how about shrinking those dresses down to doll size? In this video, watch as Malaysian fashion designer, Nigel Chia, creates two stunning ball gowns for Demuse dolls especially for Christmas.

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The Dior Micro-Bag Challenge

Dior, like every other company in the world, is always striving to make their products more portable and convenient for their customers. They've definitely pushed it to the limit this time as they have made handbags that are literally the size of your hand. Watch and see how much people can fit into these teeny-tiny bags in The Dior Micro-Bag Challenge!

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