
Trailer 3605: Half Circles, Stripes, and Gradation Color Sequences with Ann Feitelson | Quilt Backs with Alex Anderson

Debuting March 2, 2025: On the next Quilt Show, if you were ever curious about how three art degrees might impact the work of a fiber artist, you do not want to miss the unforgettable art of our next guest, Ann Feitelson. Her work is breathtaking, and she says each piece takes her up to a year to complete. Ann shares how to create mesmerizing half circles with radiating stripes. Plus, how does she create glow and flow in her colorful works? It looks complex, but she's breaking it down for you.


And, Alex wants to draw your attention to quilt backings and battings. We put so much attention to the front of a quilt, but what considerations are important for the backside as well.


From batting and backings, to the eye-popping perfection of Ann Feitelson's art, join us and let your jaw drop where it may, only on the next Quilt Show.



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