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WeAllSew Tutorial: Decorative Stitched Holiday Cards​

Even though Valentine's Day just ended, there are still plenty of holidays coming up, including St. Patrick's Day, Easter, and so many more. So how will you celebrate those holidays? You don't just want to give your loved ones a store-bought card, you want to give them something more. Sally Manke at WeAllSew has the perfect solution with a tutorial to make Decorative Stitched Holiday Cards.

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WeAllSew Tutorial: Custom Quilting with Decorative Stitches

One of the last things to do when making a quilt is usually the thing that quilters sometimes have the most trouble with, the quilting itself. Usually this trouble arises from actually deciding what you want the quilting to be. But never fear, some of the latest and greatest sewing machines have decorative stitches already programmed into them, and Hayley Grzych at WeAllSew has a webinar to show you just how to utilize those stitches.

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