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See Ricky Tims' Timestamps Exhibit

​With more than 30 quilts on display, this is Ricky's largest solo exhibition to date. In the Timestamps exhibit, you’ll visually experience Ricky’s self-expression through quilts designed over his 30-year (and counting) career. Included are his first quilt, Simple Gifts, which was selected as the 101st Best Quilt of the Twentieth Century, Sampler with Rings (a contemporary version of an antique sampler), his multi-award-winning Bohemian Rhapsody, and his newest quilt, premiering at the Iowa Quilt Museum, Sunshine on a Cloudy Day - a tribute to the people of Ukraine. The exhibit is on display at the Iowa Quilt Museum in Winterset, Iowa from March 14, 2023 through June 18, 2023.


From the Iowa Quilt Museum:


"March 14 – June 18, 2023 - Ricky Tims is known in the international world of quilting as a best-selling author, an enthusiastic and encouraging teacher, a fabric designer, and an award-winning quilter. In our Timestamps exhibit, you’ll visually experience Ricky’s self-expression through quilts designed over his 30-year (and counting) career."


Click Here to learn more about the museum, this exhibit, and future ones to come.


Below is a sampling of the quilts that will be featured in Ricky's Timestamps exhibit.


Bohemian Rhapsody by Ricky Tims




Sunshine on a Cloudy Day by Ricky Tims




Ayaan Aress
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Congratulations Ricky! Well deserved as a quilter, a teacher and a pillar of the Quilting Community.

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These quilts are lovely and magnificent. Thank you for displaying them.

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