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Ricky Tims Performs "Here We Come a Wassailing" Live

Watch and listen to a live recording of Here We Come a Wassailing from Ricky Tims' Christmas In A Small Town concerts. We just love to watch Ricky play on that small red piano from his childhood.


Ricky writes a little bit about Wassail and Wassailing and shares a bit of music as well:


"As is often the case during festive occasions such as Christmas, the holiday spirit seemed to make rich folk a bit more benevolent than usual. Small groups of beggars and orphans would dance through the snowy streets of England singing songs of good cheer. Supposedly, good fortune would come to the master of the house if he would share a drink from his wassail bowl. Often the master would offer a penny, a bite of pork pie, or allow the children to stand beside the warm hearth. The wassail bowl itself was a hearty combination of hot ale and spices and mead, just alcoholic enough to warm the tingling toes and fingers of the singers. The word "Wassail" means good health."


Let's have a Wassail! Here's to health! Enjoy the video of Here We Come A Wassailing.


Click Here to purchase Ricky's Christmas In A Small Town CD.



LaVay Elg-Scott
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Way behind on emails so in getting caught up thankfully I didn't delete this one. What joy to bring to my evening. Absolutely love the arrangement and as another commented, I too loved the toy red piano intro. Your music so awesome and brings...

Way behind on emails so in getting caught up thankfully I didn't delete this one. What joy to bring to my evening. Absolutely love the arrangement and as another commented, I too loved the toy red piano intro. Your music so awesome and brings joy to my soul. Thank you for sharing.

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Janet Perc
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Thank you so much for filling my heart with the joys of the season. Such a wonderful rendition!

Kathy Feltmate
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Thank you, thank you, thank you! Loved this cheerful rendition with amazing talent behind it! Merry Christmas ? Merry Christmas ?? Merry Christmas ??!!

Karen Scribner
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Excellent rendition but the toy red piano intro was the best!

Karen Schwitzner
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loved it, So Enjoyable. Thank you all you wonderful performers

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That was so uplifting, Just what I needed. Thanks.

Candie Olsen
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You Kat and the group give so much joy in your celebration. Thank you Bless you.

Christine Dickinson
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Thank you! This is wonderful!

Evelyn R Phillips
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The performance was brillant.Thank you!,

Mary Popp
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Loved it, so beautiful, thank you so much.

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