
Ricky Tims - Quilts Are Amazing

Ricky has been sharing what he loves about quilts along with explanations and the history of quilting on YouTube in a series of short videos he calls Quilts Are Amazing with Ricky Tims.

Each video is dedicated to a quilt or quilt subject and Ricky provides you with fun and informative knowledge for each one.
A new video posts every Monday and Friday and each one is less than one minute long. Click here or on the photo below to take a peek, learn about some beautiful quilts, and then give Ricky a "thumbs up" to let him know you LIKE it.

Harry Styles
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Amazing quilts again!

Julie Hallquist
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Those quilts ARE amazing! Thanks for sharing, as there were several I haven’t seen before. I’m looking forward to the next stop on the tour.

Suzanne guthrie
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What a great trip through quilting, thanks Ricky.

Geraldyn Running
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Wow, quilts are amazing and that was a whirlwind trip with Ricky showing them. A fun trip.

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