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The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Improv Mosaic #3" by Lorraine Woodruff-Long

Do a puzzle of Lorraine Woodruff-Long's quilt, Improv Mosaic #3.


Improv Mosaic #3 is part of Lorraine's Polychrome series of quilts. She says of this particular one in the series, "Using variations on a traditional log-cabin quilt block and small solid fabric scraps recycled from other projects, I south to create a quilt with pulsing energy and color. With the self-imposed parameter to limit block sizes to 9, 6 and 3 inches, each block is developed using as much variety in color, “wonky” sizes and contrast as possible, to create an image that pops and moves. The improvisational nature is furthered by a random, puzzle-piece layout."


Click Here to see the Full Quilt.


See more of Lorraine's quilts in How to Do an Improv Mosaic Scrappy Log Cabin, Use Text in Quilts, and Reimagine Shirting with Lorraine Woodruff-Long.


ImprovMosaic#3byLorraineWoodruff-Long - 36 Pieces Non-Rotating

ImprovMosaic#3byLorraineWoodruff-Long - 100 Pieces Non-Rotating

ImprovMosaic#3byLorraineWoodruff-Long - 289 Pieces Non-Rotating

ImprovMosaic#3byLorraineWoodruff-Long - 36 Pieces Rotating

ImprovMosaic#3byLorraineWoodruff-Long - 100 Pieces Rotating

ImprovMosaic#3byLorraineWoodruff-Long - 289 Pieces Rotating




Original Photo: Lucas Davis


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