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The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Cry For Ukraine" by Pati Fried

Do a puzzle of Pati Fried's quilt, Cry For Ukraine.


Pati started to make Cry For Ukraine the day that the Ukrainian War began. Like everyone else, she wanted to help but couldn't, so she went and started ripping up fabric like she had done in a previous tree quilt that she made. Many people have asked her if she could teach them the method in which she made the tree quilt, and she tells them that she can teach them how she got there but not necessarily the technique. So for Cry For Ukraine she developed the method to be simpler so that it could be taught.


Click Here to see the Full Quilt.


See more of Pati's quilts in Learn to Slow Stitch and Express Yourself in Quilting with Pati Fried | Designing for Digital Quilting with Ricky Tims.


CryForUkrainebyPatiFried - 35 Pieces Non-Rotating

CryForUkrainebyPatiFried - 96 Pieces Non-Rotating

CryForUkrainebyPatiFried - 300 Pieces Non-Rotating

CryForUkrainebyPatiFried - 35 Pieces Rotating

CryForUkrainebyPatiFried - 96 Pieces Rotating

CryForUkrainebyPatiFried - 300 Pieces Rotating




Original Photo: Lucas Davis


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