
On The Set with Lisa Thorpe and Alex Anderson

Another Friday, another peek at how the magic of The Quilt Show is made as we go on the set with Lisa Thorpe for our latest show. Lisashows you how to build a framed bird box collage with simple machine stitches over layers of assorted fabrics, words on paper, ribbon and stamped images. Plus, Alex is eager to share what she learned from her Sue Spargo wool and embroidery class.


Watch Lisa and Alex in How To Make a Bird Box and Time Stamp Collage with Lisa Thorpe | Sue Spargo Inspiration with Alex Anderson, when it debuts this Sunday, January 16, 2022!



will james
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Fill the hummingbird feeder and hang it in a bright and sunny spot, away from cats and other predators. Attracting hummingbirds to your yard is a fun and rewarding activity. https://hummingbirdfeedercenter.com/best-window-hummingbird-feeder/

Pam Rappe
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What app wasn’t she used to do the robin on iPad? Ricky said he has that on his phone. Thank you

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