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The "Sewn in America" Exhibit at the DAR Museum​ is Now Open

From the Daughters of the American Revolution National Headquarters"This groundbreaking exhibit combines sewn items from all textile sections of the DAR Museum’s collection, including garments, quilts, and embroideries. Textiles from the 18th century to today are juxtaposed to show how women of diverse backgrounds have used their needles to express emotions and identity and as a force for benevolence and justice. Trust us, you won’t want to miss it!"


From the DAR Museum About The Exhibit:


"Sewn objects surround us. They clothe us from birth, cover our bodies day and night, furnish our living spaces, line our coffins. For over 40,000 years humans have sewn by hand (and for a mere 180, by machine as well). Until recently, every woman and many men knew how to sew for utilitarian and often decorative purposes. Knowing a variety of techniques and stitches, and which to use for a given task, was key knowledge imparted in childhood and employed throughout a lifetime.


This groundbreaking exhibit combines sewn items from all textile sections of the DAR Museum’s collections: clothing, household textiles, quilts, and needlework. It examines the role sewing played both practically in American women’s lives, and in shaping gender roles, whether domestically or in professions from dressmaking and tailoring to factory work. Garments, quilts, and embroideries from the 18th century to today are juxtaposed to show how women of diverse backgrounds have used their needles to express emotions and identity and as a force for benevolence and justice."


The exhibit will be on display at the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) Museum, Constitution Hall, Washington DC. from March 15, 2024 - December 31, 2025.


Click Here, or any of the photos below, to see more photos from the exhibit.


(Photos Below are from the DAR National Headquarters Facebook Page) ; Photos from the link and when clicked below are from Luana Rubin)












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Beautiful displays! The machine is fascinating, as well as the pattern pieces. As someone who started sewing at 5 years of age, and made all types of clothing, even a Santa outfit with a wide best and spats, I love to see examples of clothing...

Beautiful displays! The machine is fascinating, as well as the pattern pieces. As someone who started sewing at 5 years of age, and made all types of clothing, even a Santa outfit with a wide best and spats, I love to see examples of clothing with historical value. Thank you for posting these photos!

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