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Quilting Resolutions For the New Year

Resolutions are easy to make, but definitely hard to keep. But we found some quilting resolutions from Gayle Norman over at Ricky's website that we think are great. Find out if they're ones that you want to make as well.


From Gayle Norman at rickytims.com:


I RESOLVE not to feel guilty when I buy fabric with absolutely no future use in mind. It makes me immensely happy to buy it, fondle it and just look at it and that makes it worth it!


I RESOLVE that next year when I look at that same fabric and wonder why the heck I bought it, I still won't feel guilty but simply pass it on to a friend, the Goodwill, a retirement facility, or an organization that does charity quilts.


I RESOLVE that I will continue to guard carefully my sewing and quilting time. This keeps me happy and able to serve the rest of my world.


I RESOLVE that I will continue to support and encourage all the young people in my life who take an interest in this craft that I am so passionate about.


I RESOLVE to surround myself as much as possible with friends who love quilting and fabric collecting as much as I do.


And lastly, I REFUSE to put deadlines or limits on my creative spirit.


What are your Quilting Resolutions for the New Year?






Brenda Wilkinson
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I need to re-organize my sewing room. Then finish the Christmas quilt I started .... 1 year ago.

Virginia Kennedy
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I made new plans for my life four years ago and I am still using the same resolution. I gave away about half of my sewing room before a big move. I am still sorting and finishing projects I started years ago. Covid gave me the stay-at-home...

I made new plans for my life four years ago and I am still using the same resolution. I gave away about half of my sewing room before a big move. I am still sorting and finishing projects I started years ago. Covid gave me the stay-at-home time to finish the projects. Now after staying home for the past three years, I have my fabric sorted in drawers by color, and actually getting my room in order. I bought a new home for me and turned the Master bedroom into my sewing room. Best idea I have had, I am still using the same resolution and continuing to master my projects. Alex inspired me to buy a new BERNINA and I am waiting for it to be delivered.

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Jane Hancock
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Thank you, Gayle Norman! I wish I had thought of these great resolutions! Now I can take these and write a few more!

Alex Anderson
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I resolve to keep my sewing room organized.

Candie Olsen
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Gayle Norman made very wise resolutions that will touched the heart of every quilter. For the past few years at the beginning of the year I will write and hang a UFO list on my sewing room wall with about ten projects. 2021 probably had the...

Gayle Norman made very wise resolutions that will touched the heart of every quilter. For the past few years at the beginning of the year I will write and hang a UFO list on my sewing room wall with about ten projects. 2021 probably had the most unfinished projects left uncompleted. . But I also started and completed many projects that helped out my guild, or cheered up a friend going through a tough time. I need to look at those things as a success, not the unfinished projects as failures. But I do resolve to make wiser use of my time in my wonderful sewing room because that brings me joy. And our life should be all about the joy we can find and the joy through our creations we can share with others.

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