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Joe Cunningham Wraps a Museum in a Quilt

Julie Silber, a Quilt Show favorite, wanted to shared that Joe Cunningham, the very first guest on The Quilt Show and another favorite, has a pretty cool "quilting" project. What is it you may ask? Oh nothing, just wrapping the entire outside of a museum with a quilt! It's not a quilt made out of traditional fabric, but a rather unusual material.


Here's what Julie had to say about the experience:


"Mr. Joe the Quilter Cunningham is in the process of wrapping the Cahoon Museum of American Art in a quilt he has made out of spinnaker sails (rip stop nylon). Here are some shots of the work in progress --cherry picker, crew, and all..."


The Cahoon Museum of American Art is a fine and folk art museum located in Cotuit, Massachusetts, and below are photos of Joe coordinating the process of wrapping his quilt around the building.








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