
Anna and G on the Road: Tee Shirt Memories

With how our world has changed, we can find comfort in memories. How blessed we are to be stitchers and creators of all things fiber because not only is it a distraction to the our daily "shelter in place", but there is real joy in the sharing.

I decided to jump into a tee shirt quilt for my cousin. He had given me a whole pile of tee shirts that he had hoped someday I would make into a quilt. As I examined each one and started prepping them for construction I realized what a wonderful project tee shirt quilts are! They are filled with history, achievement, and dreams!

I imagine each household has someone who has a stash of tee shirts. Years of sports participation, events that were attended, political commitments and travel. It truly is like having a scrapbook in the form of a quilt! And, what a perfect time to start a project that is filled with positive memories! I started preparing the tee shirts and laying them out. My process is being documented on the YouTube Channel Quilt Roadies. 

 There are patterns available for constructing tee shirt quilts or you can just create your own masterpiece!

 This fabulous tee shirt quilt that a whole family could snuggle under was made by Karen Downs for her son John, who is a wrestling coach for our local high school! As you can see, her son's history is documented in a tee shirt quilt.

This tee shirt quilt made by Darleene Boller for her grandson's high school graduation included tee shirts beginning with pre-school! It won 3rd place in the Novelty category at the Washington State Quilt Show. This might be the perfect time to consider making a quilt that brings up memories of great times!!!

Stay tuned and travel along with us on Quilt Roadies.

Click here for Anna's YouTube Channel.

Click here for Anna's blog.

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