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A Quiltcon Quickie - What To Do with Black Bias Tape?

These quilters at Quiltcon 2022 came up with some great ideas using black bias tape (either homemade or store bought) when creating these beautiful quilts.


Take a look at these wonderfully creative quilts from Debbie Grifka, Christine Yi, Caroline Hadley, and Patti Coppock. And make sure to scroll all the way to the bottom to see all the varied and creative ways these quilters put their tape to use!


If you'd like to see more ways to use bias tape, watch Debbie Grifka here at The Quilt Show in How to Make a Minimalist Modern Quilt with Debbie Grifka | Circles with Cheryl Phillips.


And if inspiration has struck you don't miss out because our Fusible Quick Bias Tape is on sale in the store, and marked down to just $12.99.


Click Here to purchase the Fusible Quick Bias Tape.


Chaos and Calm by Debbie Grifka




Chaos and Calm by Debbie Grifka - Detail




Chaos and Calm by Debbie Grifka - Sign




6 Carbon 10 Hydrogen and 5 Oxygen by Christine Yi




6 Carbon 10 Hydrogen and 5 Oxygen by Christine Yi - Detail




6 Carbon 10 Hydrogen and 5 Oxygen by Christine Yi - Sign




Okay, on this last one, we think she might have used printed fabric, but you could use bias tape...


Sketch by Caroline Hadley




Sketch by Caroline Hadley - Detail




Sketch by Caroline Hadley - Sign




But hey, it doesn't all have to be about black and white. Take a look at Sam and Pam by Patti Coppock and see how the bias highlights and defines these delightful creatures.


Sam and Pam by Patti Coppock




Sam and Pam by Patti Coppock - Detail 1




Sam and Pam by Patti Coppock - Detail 2




Sam and Pam by Patti Coppock - Detail 3




Sam and Pam by Patti Coppock - Detail 4




Sam and Pam by Patti Coppock - Sign




Alex Anderson
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Sandy - We like it when the size is included in the write up. Some show require it and others don't. It is impossible to get the sizes on our own. Great quilts for sure!.

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What are the finished sizes of these quilts/wall hangings?

Kay Ann Withrow
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