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The Night Before Christmas at Barbara Black's House

We love this tribute from TQS Member HelenW that was found in the Forum. She pays homage to our BOM Queen, Barbara Black.


'Twas the Night Before Christmas 


Twas the night before Christmas
Barbara Black's quilts were not made,
Her threads were all tangled, her cookies delayed.
The stockings weren't finished, the pantry was bare,
Poor weary Barbara was tearing her hair.
Stacks of fat quarters, tipped over in streams,
Visions of finished projects had just turned to dreams.
What to her wondering eyes should appear,
But all the TQS quilters with all of their gear.
They went straight to work with just a few mutters,
Sorting and stitching and using their cutters.
Some patterns emerged from all of this mess,
Garden Party vases and flowers along with all the rest.
Her projects were finished, And Alex's quilts too,
The cookies were baked by the Sew N Sew group.
Their work was all done, so they packed up their stash
And boarded Santa's sleigh taking off in a dash.
I heard HelenW say as they drove out of sight.
Happy quilting to all and to all a good night.
Have a Very Merry Christmas Barbara Black.
Best Wishes for a long continued Joyful Journey.
(original author of this variation unknown)
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I love the creativity with words. I am looking forward to 2022 block of the month. I have been enjoying going through my kit.

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Such a wonderful skill
to be able to write such a wonderful tribute to a talented lady

Suzanne Lammi
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HelenW this is wonderful!! We need Barbara and Alex to keep us inspired. Thanks for posting this on the Forum.
Merry Christmas everyone and Blessings for 2022.

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Lovely - I want to be like Barbara when I grow up!

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Such a delight to read on this Christmas Eve morning. Thank you, Helen, for such a fitting tribute to Barbara. Thank you, Barbara and Alex and everyone at TQS. Thank you, fellow quilters, for your inspiration. Now, back to finishing Color My World!

Debra Huewe
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loved it!

judy koerner
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Love it! How charming, and Barbara is so deserving of such tribute. Thanks to Barbara, Alex and all the crew for your delightful selves.

Linda R. Davis
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Helen this is the most wonderful poem in honor of Barbara Black. I know everyone would certainly come to her
assistance when needed. Have a wonderful Christmas both of you & thanks so much for a wonderful Christmas

Janet Ostendarp
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That is a very special poem to a special person that guides us down many roads of fabric and thread. Thank you very much for sharing your witty thoughts HelenW!
Merry Christmas everyone!!
Janet O

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