
The 2021 Block Of the Month In Wool

Our members are the best. When they have a bold idea they go out and do it and get noticed in big ways. That's what happened when Carole Berry decided to make the 2021 Block Of the Month, Color My World, in wool. She started making the quilt and posted her progress to Instagram, where it was noticed by Wendy Williams!


Here's what Carole had to say about the quilt:


"I wanted to share with you a post I had made on Instagram (and also Facebook) of the Color my World BOM I’m doing in wool on linen. You’ve included photos of my quilt over the past month on your Live shows and in the newsletter, which has been exciting for this newbie. I started to work on my quilt over the past few days (other projects got in the way) and posted a photo. Wendy Williams saw it on IG and commented. I’m over the moon! I just showed my husband her post and I guess I did the same little happy dance I did when I met Sue Spargo last month at her shop. That was after I bowed down to her. 😊


Thank you for making this amazing quilt available on TQS! I’ve learned so much in the past 8 months from watching your shows, reading the Forum and searching the website. Now I just need to break out the sewing machine I bought in February and learn to use it!"


NOTE: Star members can start their own version of "Color My World". All the patterns and lessons are available in the LEARN section. Not a Star member? https://thequiltshow.com/join


carole berry color my world wool instagram post

Donna Horn
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Did you back your linen with anything? This is so beautiful and gives me an idea to do another of Wendy’s patterns on wool.

Carole Berry    Donna Horn
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Hi Donna, Just seeing this. I did back the linen with a fusible lightweight pellon. If I were to do it again, I would strongly consider skipping the stabilizer. Wendy’s designs are amazing!

Barbara Dahl
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WOW! I am also doing mine in wool, but I'm just finishing up the small houses. I love your project, Carole, it is amazing! I struggled to find time to finish the paper piecing original pattern in fabric, wondering if I would ever finish it so I...

WOW! I am also doing mine in wool, but I'm just finishing up the small houses. I love your project, Carole, it is amazing! I struggled to find time to finish the paper piecing original pattern in fabric, wondering if I would ever finish it so I struck on the wool option. I teach wool applique and love the process. Thanks so much for posting!

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Carole Berry    Barbara Dahl
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Thanks so much, Barbara! It’s been a fun project. Would love to see your quilt!

Leslie Esselbach
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Love it.

Carole Berry    Leslie Esselbach
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Thanks so much!

Johanna LaChance
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This is what I love about quilting. A pattern for some is just a starting point to even more creativity. I think the trees between the houses are my favorite part. I'm looking forward to seeing your finished quilt, and thanks for sharing.

Carole Berry    Johanna LaChance
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Thank you, Johanna! I have to say those trees were really fun to make and brought me back to my high school days (almost 50 years ago!) when I did crewel work. Hoping I can keep up the pace and finish this on time.

Jana Blackwelder
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Oh, my goodness! I must admit that this pattern did not inspire me at all when I first saw it. But now! Your wool appliqué leaves me speechless. Saying “well done” is an understatement!!

Carole Berry    Jana Blackwelder
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Jana, you are so kind!

Linda Cates
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This is amazing in wool. Carole, you have done fabulous work on this. Your quilt is stunning!

Carole Berry    Linda Cates
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Thanks, Linda! I've certainly learned alot over the past 8+ months. It's been quite the adventure!

Cheryl Johnson
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I agree with all the comments so far. The quilt is absolutely beautiful and creative. Thanks for sharing.

Carole Berry    Cheryl Johnson
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Thank you, Cheryl!

Twila Ingram
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WOW~! This is AMAZING!!!! I love it!

Carole Berry    Twila Ingram
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Awe, thank you Twila!

Linda Lombardo
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Amazing! Your quilt is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing

Carole Berry    Linda Lombardo
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Glad you like it, Linda!

Carole Berry
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Thank you so much for the shout out! So glad I found TQS back on New Years Day!

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