
Barbara Black's Tips for "Color My World" Month 8

Get all the latest tips and tricks from Barbara Black on the third set of Tall Buildings for Month 8 of the 2021 BOM, Color My World. Barbara says, "We are getting through these Tall Buildings quickly. This month they are getting bigger, as we work our way toward the Skyscrapers in the four corners."


Click here, or the photo below, for details on Barbara's blog for Month 8.


barbara black color my world month 8 tall buildings 3


Becky Miller
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I’m sorry to bother you here BARBARA…..I have read & re-read how to upload photos to the Forum with no luck. I’m using my iPad Pro and find NO words that say “Reply” or “Create new Topic” anywhere. I can’t tap anyone else’s posts to “like”...

I’m sorry to bother you here BARBARA…..I have read & re-read how to upload photos to the Forum with no luck. I’m using my iPad Pro and find NO words that say “Reply” or “Create new Topic” anywhere. I can’t tap anyone else’s posts to “like” either. I couldn’t reply to you there in the forum either - this I am trying to reach you thru your blog
Any suggestions?
I am logged in…. I am a longtime member….. spool quilt done and photo to show…..sewing along now with BOM ……
what step am I missing to be able to interact in forum?

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