
Barbara Black's Tips for "Color My World" Month 6

Barbara Black's latest blog has tips on making the first set of Tall Buildings for Month 6 of the 2021 BOM - Color My World. Check them out.


She also discusses measuring the blocks for accuracy.


Click here, or the photo below, for details on Barbara's blog for Month 6.


barbara black color my world month 6 measuring tall buildings


Helen Gersbach
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How can we print the step by step instructions on the blog for Month 6?

Barbara Dumler
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I know I am in the wrong place but for the life of me I can't figure out how to post in the forum. Used to know. My question is on the placement of the template for the roads. Is the guideline supposed to be alligned with the top of the white...

I know I am in the wrong place but for the life of me I can't figure out how to post in the forum. Used to know. My question is on the placement of the template for the roads. Is the guideline supposed to be alligned with the top of the white part or the bottom or actually in the middle of the white strip. I've watched the videos numerous times and can't figure it out. Also, I was looking for the video that you posted on how to use the forum but can't find it in the new website. Please help. Thank you.

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