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Barbara Black on "Color My World" Skyscraper Designs

Looking to get ahead on your 2021 Color My World designs? Barbara Black has got some tips on how you can design the blocks for Months 11 and 12, which are the skyscraper blocks, that will be available in November 2021. Learn what steps to take to make this quilt even more your own!


From Barbara Black:


"As soon as Color My World was revealed as the 2021 Block of the Month quilt for The Quilt Show, I started getting requests for the design area of those four Corner Skyscrapers.


A lot of people are personalizing this quilt and want to make the Skyscrapers into buildings that mean something to them. The kind of structure that will work well in this space include a Lighthouse, Windmill, Church, Washington Monument, Statue of Liberty, Seattle Space Needle, and the Saturn 5 Rocket on prominent display here in Huntsville, AL."


Click here, or the photo below, for Barbara's tips on the Color My World Skyscraper designs.


barbara black color my world skyscraper designs


Eileen Onder
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I am confused where are the four little houses that were posted July 14? I am catching up, slowly, was a late starter. My buildings, trees are all done and ready to be sewn, the mariners compass is done, I am ready to start the roads tomorrow. ...

I am confused where are the four little houses that were posted July 14? I am catching up, slowly, was a late starter. My buildings, trees are all done and ready to be sewn, the mariners compass is done, I am ready to start the roads tomorrow. Yay. Barbara, thanks for your hard work, will you be posting the Space Needle maybe? Please! Thanks again. Slow me.

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Eileen Onder
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Catching up. Ready for the trees and my 1 and 2 sewn together, is bigger when I compare to the one provided. My question is..do I train before I add the trees?

Eileen Onder    Eileen Onder
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I should read before sending, should read trim, not train

Sharon Archambault
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Thanks for the info. And thanks for planning to release the BOM units earlier than usual. It will help with holiday scheduling. You're the greatest.

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