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How to Paint on Silk with Betty Busby | Block Design with Cyndi McChesney

(Show 2202) Painted silk, a soldering iron and perspective -Betty BusbyBetty Busby began her fiber exploration with a degree in ceramics. After a very successful career, she transitioned to exploring and manipulating unusual non-quilting fiber that featured subjects from the natural world. Using hand painted silk, a soldering iron, and other out of the norm tools, Betty shares how to make translucent and unbelievably delicate elements. Her larger than life quilts feature enlarged microscopic images. You will never look at a landscaper's cloth in the same way. 

Cyndi McChesney is back to unravel the mysteries of drafting a traditional antique quilt block based on a grid system. Breaking down the block components makes the job more streamlined and allows you to determine the finished block size.

Unusual Materials, Quilt Pattern, Drafting Blocks, Painting, Fabric Selection, Art Quilts, Antique Quilts
Series 2200

Sharlene Ferrin
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I love Cindy's demonstration for figuring out blocks. I wonder how you figure you how to make the right size flying geese, etc. to fit a particular size finished block.

Christine Marshall
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Love this show! I caught Betty on NM PBS, you are such an interesting woman and I love how you think and create! Thank you Alex and Ricky for bringing her to us on The Quilt Show!

Susan Pel-Or
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Betty I have loved your quilts for years. I first saw some of your work at QSDS many years ago and have always looked for your work since then.

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