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How to Build Block Quilts with Latifah Saafir | Antique Sampler Challenge

(Show 2502) Latifah Saafir, co-founder of the Modern Quilt Guild in Los Angeles, CA, shares her Glam Clam and Duck Face People quilts. Latifah shares her Glam Clam  template and how to use it for a variety of blocks. The Duck Face people can be made in a variety of colors and sizes to meet your every need. This fun quilt is easy to piece and makes a great gift. Ricky and Alex challenged each other to recreate an antique quilt, Sampler with Rings.  Each interprets the Antique quilt in their own style and the results are revealed. They share their approach to quilt design, color selection, and creating the Ring Blocks that appealed to them.

Blocks Featured: Clamshell, Cross Stitch

Quilt Construction, Machine Appliqué, Finished Edge Appliqué, Value, Chain Piecing, Updated Classic, Modern Quilts
Series 2500

Susannah MacRae
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Wonderful show, loved it, learned so much, and I want to make a clamshell quilt!!
Ricky and Alex-made me cry?, such a lovely gesture, and such cool quilts.

Dawn Carson
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What a fabulous video. So very inspiring!

Carol Kennedy
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Alex, in the show you said you needed you quilt, will you be makin a pattern for this it, is shunning and I love the fabric choice

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