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Applique Tips from Karen Kay Buckley | Meet Textile Conservator Lynn Gorges

(Show 2007) With fifteen Best of Show ribbons to her name, Karen Kay Buckley knows what a judge is looking for when it comes to a perfect quilt. From perfect circles to ovals and stems, Karen shares tips and tricks for taking your work to a whole new level. But wait, there's more. Karen shows her technique for squaring up the perfect block.With fifteen Best of Show ribbons to her name, Karen Kay Buckley knows what a judge is looking for when it comes to a perfect quilt. From perfect circles to ovals and stems, Karen shares tips and tricks for taking your work to a whole new level. But wait, there's more. Karen shows her technique for squaring up the perfect block.

Then meet North Carolina Textile Conservator Lynn Gorges, who spends her days preserving textiles for future generations to enjoy.

Block Featured: Circles

Appliqué Tips & Tricks, Appliqué Techniques, Hand Appliqué, Quilt Care, Pressing, Organization, Notions, Antique Quilts, Traditional
Series 2000

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