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What's Up with Help Tickets?

Capt'n John updates members on the status of Help Tickets. 

First, I have to apologize. Our goal was to answer Help Tickets in 48 hours. That was before we opened and had more new website issues than we expected. We have 2 people who are responsible to answer help tickets and the phone, and that should be enough.  Justin, Kristin, Mary Kay, and I have jumped in as often as possible, but it will be another month before we can get back to our goal of 48 hours. Early on, when the new website questions started to flood in, we had to decide whether to answer tickets or give the time to fixing the problems. We chose to work on the problems in hopes that would solve many of the issues people were asking about.

Many of the problems have been solved, but we still have items we are working on to make the site easier and faster.

How can you help? 

1. If the question is about puzzles, a project or LIVE class, or a quilting-related question, start by using the search box at the top of the page.

2. If you can't get an answer that way, please use the forum. There are many of our most experienced quilters and website members that are there with quick answers. 

3. If the question is about membership, store purchases, or email changes, then the ticket system is the right place to ask.

We thank you for your patience, and we understand your frustration. You just want an answer and we want to take care of it. Our main goal this year is to bring back fun. Fun in creating, fun in learning, and fun in finding what you are looking for. Help tickets...not fun right now...We will keep working. 

Elaine Menter
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I cannot find renewal information; I need to change the credit card to be charged.

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Please can you let me know when the Select Cutaway Fabric Stabilizer by Quilters Select and
Print and Piece Fuse light by Quilters Select, are back in the shop.
Living in South...

Please can you let me know when the Select Cutaway Fabric Stabilizer by Quilters Select and
Print and Piece Fuse light by Quilters Select, are back in the shop.
Living in South Africa, I cannot get it here, and every time I try to order on line I am late as I get out of stock.
I so want to make the Spinning Spools Quilt by Alex but cannot until I have the supplies.


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John Anderson    Theresa
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Be sure to go to the product in the Shop and click "Notify Me". Then when new stock is added to the Store, you will be instantly contacted by email. Thank you for being with us from South Africa.

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