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WeAllSew Tutorial: Summer Floral Floor Cushion

With the Summer season fast approaching, you're going to need projects to work on to keep busy. But in order to do those projects, or just enjoy your day, you'll need something to sit on first. Pat Bravo at WeAllSew has a lovely Summer Floral Floor Cushion that is the perfect project to kick off your sunny season.


From Pat Bravo at WeAllSew:


"What’s your favorite thing about summer? For me, it’s relaxing on the porch with my favorite book and being out in the fresh summer air. Which is why I wanted to whip up a fun floral-inspired floor cushion to add to my outdoor decor." "If you have an afternoon free this is a perfect project to add to your to sew list."


Click Here, or the photo below, to go to the tutorial.


weallsew summer floral floor cushion


Julia Bernstein
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Great projects.

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