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WeAllSew Tutorial: How to Sew a Fourth of July Bunting

The Fourth of July is just a few weeks away, which makes it the perfect time to start making new decorations for that annual celebration of the red, white, and blue. Today, we have a Fourth of July Bunting from Faith Jones at WeAllSew. This quick and easy project will be the perfect accompaniment to spruce up that backyard B-B-Q or fireworks spectacular.


From Faith Jones at WeAllSew:


"The 4th of July is one of the most popular holidays in our family. It may have something to do with the heat finally arriving in Chicago, our annual trip to northern Michigan or the anticipation of watching small town fireworks over the lake. This year I’m continuing the tradition of decorating for the holiday, with instructions to make your very own 4th of July Star Bunting."


Click Here, or the image below, to go to the tutorial to learn more.






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