WeAllSew Tutorial: How To Make Quilted Slippers
After a long day of work there's nothing better than kicking back and taking your shoes off. But what if you want to need to go out of the house really quick again? You don't want to put those hard shoes back on, so what are you going to do? Enter Aynsley Campbell at WeAllSew. Aynsley has a tutorial for you on how to make a pair of Quilted Slippers that you can customize with your own fabric choices.
From Aynsley Campbell at WeAllSew:
"The first time I ever saw a quilted house slipper was about 6 months before I ever even learned how to quilt!! I was in Thailand with some friends in 2011 and everywhere you would look, there were amazing shoes . . . NOT in my size!!! My big size 10 feet had no business buying shoes there; they just didn’t make them in my size. I would like to say that stopped me from buying a pair of $3 slippers from a street vendor but of course, it did not. They didn’t truly fit my big feet but those house slippers were too cute to pass up even with my heel hanging off the end.
The first pair of quilted slippers I ever made (after a deep dive on Instagram to find out) was all the way back in November 2017 right before my twins were born. I remember wanting a pair of slippers that I could wash because I knew how nasty hospital floors really are after my firstborn and watching too much Grey’s Anatomy. I don’t know if it was unfortunate that those Thailand slippers were long gone, worn through never to return. I kind of think it was fortunate since now at that time I had quilting knowledge I didn’t have before and could make my own. Some that actually fit my foot properly instead of sadly and comically not fitting at all.
I always meant to share my process on how to make them but . . . you know newborn twins and a toddler don’t make for much sewing time. Also, I found out quickly that those slippers, like my Thailand ones, weren’t that durable. They needed a few upgrades and tweaking. If there is one thing about me as a creator I’m most proud of it is my love for finding ways to make handmade LONG lasting items that are super customizable. I mean, isn’t that the true beauty of making something handmade . . . making it show who you are through beautiful fabrics and design choices."
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