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WeAllSew Tutorial: How to Make a Quilted Jacket With Scraps

Every quilter has a bin, or a spot, or a pile, or a corner full, of scraps that they are saving for the perfect project. Well, maybe this could be that project for you! Katie Kortman at WeAllSew has a tutorial for you on how to take that mess of scraps just sitting somewhere in your house and turn them into a beautiful quilted jacket just waiting to be shown off to your friends.


From Katie Kortman at WeAllSew:


"Raise your hand if you have a bin of beautiful scraps from previous projects? I would imagine every type of sewist/quilter/crafter does!  I recently decided to use some of my scraps to make this colorful quilted jacket and I want to walk you through my process in hopes it inspires you to do the same!"


Click Here, or the photo below, to go to the tutorial and learn more.


weallsew quilted jacket with scraps


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