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WeAllSew Tutorial: How to Make a Chainstitch Garland​

Fall is just a few short weeks away, and with it brings Fall decorations. The possibilities for Autumnal decorations are only limited by your imagination, and we've got a great opportunity for getting those creative juices flowing. Megann Freese at WeAllSew has a great tutorial for you on How to Make a Chainstitch Garland. How does this tie into Fall? Well, once you know how to make the chain, you can fill it with whatever designs you want, including such Fall staples as leaves, pumpkins, little cups of coffee, or whatever brings out the Autumn spirit in you.


From Megann Freese at WeAllSew:


"Are you someone who loves to decorate for every single holiday there is? I love decorating for dinners, parties, seasons, events, and every holiday imaginable. With the chainstitch garland, I now have a simple project that I can use to make a decoration for any event that might come my way. The garland can be hung on the wall or wavy on a table, is small enough to store easily, and quick enough to make in less than an hour"


Click Here to go to the tutorial and learn more.


Watch the video below to see how Megann puts this Chainstitch Garland together.



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