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WeAllSew Tutorial: Canvas Market Bag

How do you help the environment and look stylish all at the same time? Easy, you make a Canvas Market Bag out of your best looking fabrics so that you no longer have to use plastic bags when taking home your groceries. And Kymona Tracey at WeAllSew has the tutorial for you to do just that.


From Kymona Tracey at WeAllSew:


"Back on March 1, 2020, a new plastic bag ban took effect. What does that mean for the residents of NY? No more bags when you leave a store. That’s because every store used plastic bags and they can’t anymore. Imagine going to the supermarket and walking out with a paper bag with no handle or no bag at all. Well, it happened to me, and all I could do was laugh at the moment. So, I went home and made my canvas market bags. Let me show you how!"


Click Here, or the image below, to learn more.




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