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Explore Nature at The National Quilt Museum's Exhibit, "Flora, Fauna and Paisaje / Landscape"

Come visit the National Quilt Museum and explore quilts inspired by nature as part of their exhibit, Flora, Fauna and Paisaje / Landscape a collaborative show between quilters from Chile Quilting and TASO (Textile Artists of Southeastern Ohio). You'll see quilts just like Pilar Donoso's Calas de Valdivia/ Calla Lilies from Valdivia, which showcases nature on an international scale.
Flora, Fauna, and Landscape is an international project between quilters from Chile Quilting and TSAO/Textile Artists of Southeast Ohio. The exhibition was created by focus on the habitat in which each artist lives and to showcase each artist’s textile art style. There are 17 works in the collection."
And here's more information about Pilar's Quilt:
"Pilar is a member of Chile Quilting, and her work is part of the exhibit "Flora, Fauna and Paisaje/ Landscape" - a collaborative show between quilters from Chile Quilting and TASO (Textile Artists of Southeastern Ohio).
"My work is generally more abstract but this time I experimented with different techniques and products to capture the color and shape of the lilies. In the process I learned to see nature with different eyes.""
Flora, Fauna, and Landscape is on display at the National Quilt Museum in Paducah, Kentucky from January 18, 2023 through May 2, 2023.
Calas de Valdivia/ Calla Lilies from Valdivia by Pilar Donoso



Calas de Valdivia/ Calla Lilies from Valdivia by Pilar Donoso - Detail




Pegi Cromartie
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Absolutely love the photos and the imagination it took to create this quilt! Goregous.

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