
Anna and G on the Road: Feeding the Soul

Now is the time to "Feed the Soul" not to expect or decide to make a bunch of rules for yourself. I like goals, but only if I am allowed to be flexible.

During these challenging times...and yes they ARE challenging on so many levels, we need kindness. Kindness is a gift best showered on yourself first...for if you cannot gift yourself kindness, how can you ever take the next step to be kind to others.

This little heart was stitched by my friend Deb during a workshop with Sue Spargo in Tucson, AZ at the beginning of February. It is a sweet memory that I cherish. How life has changed.

I find it settling for my soul to embrace those things which bring joy, memories, and brain stimulation. And, my hand stitching does all of that! If you have traveled along this bumpy road with me for any length of time you know that I am buried in hand stitching. There is a rhythm and beauty, whether it be embroidery, Spargoing, cross stitch, or appliqué (both cotton & wool).

A gift to my stitching world has been Ariane Zurcher! I introduced you to her back in January 2019 (Anna and G on the Road: Artistic Passion with Ariane Zurcher) but what you may not know is that since then she has been working and developing a YouTube Channel called On the Other Hand. She has worked with Sue in bringing support to the left handed stitcher. But what is awesome is that it is filled with ideas for the right handed stitcher. I think for those of you who are already deep into Spargoing and for those of you who are thinking..."Maybe I should give it a go," please turn off the news and subscribe to her channel...you will be feeding your soul.

Stay tuned and travel along with us on Quilt Roadies.

Click here for Anna's YouTube Channel.

Click here for Anna's blog.

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