A Look at the 2022 Yokohama Quilt Show
Patricia Belyea of Okan Arts is going to be a guest next year on The Quilt Show. Her experience in quilting has dealt mainly with the Japanese side of things and has herself visited the Tokyo Quilt Show. With there no longer being a Tokyo Quilt Show, the Yokohama Quilt Show has sprung up and taken its place and one of the members of Patricia's Okan Arts team, Victoria Stone, took the trip to Yokohama, Japan to check it out.
From Victoria Stone:
"After the cancellation of the Tokyo Quilt Festival nearly two years ago, a new Japanese quilt show is strutting its stuff. While the Yokohama International Quilt Show is smaller than the famed Tokyo event, it’s no less elegant and exciting."
Click Here, or the image below, to see photos of the show and some of the winning quilts.
(Photo by Victoria Stone)