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Trailer 3406: Improv Log Cabin Triangle Piecing, Cityscapes, and Judaic Quilting with Cathy Perlmutter

Debuting March 17, 2024: On the next Quilt Show, it only took Cathy Perlmutter thirty years to become an overnight sensation. Now she's unstoppable. See her whimsical cityscape quilts and learn the technique that helps her audition and build a completely different scrap city in a day. Plus, why make regular log cabin blocks when you can make improv log cabin triangle blocks? So many possibilities.


And Cathy says the Jewish faith has a rich textile tradition. Watch her spice things up with an uncommon yarmulke. Great gift ideas for your Jewish friends or a special baby in your life. So many peppy "pearls" from Cathy Perlmutter on the next Quilt Show.



Pat Leask
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This show(#3406) is not showing up yet on the TQS Show list page. I can, however, click on 'watch show' on TQS description of show. I usually go to show list though, especially if I get behind. My "showlist" only goes up to Mar. 3rd as of today.

Linda Roach
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It's great to see her honor her heritage and offer gift ideas for Jewish friends or a special baby in her life. Basket random is sure that her insights and creativity will inspire many viewers.

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